Some 2010 Numbers
The Big Number
The big number that was played up this year was the number of users of Facebook surpassing 500 million users. That surpasses the population of the United States.
Keeping The Other Numbers Understandable
Some of the other numbers on Facebook were so mind boggling in 2010 that Facebook decided to put them in a context that displayed numbers we can understand. To do this they reported the activity as it took place every 20 minutes.
Every 20 Minutes on Facebook:
2.7 million photographs were uploaded
1 million links were shared
7.6 million pages were “liked”
1.3 million photos were tagged
1.4 million invites were sent out
1.5 million wall posts were made
1.9 million friend requests were accepted
10.2 million comments were made
4.6 million messages were sent
Facebook continues to explode. And more businesses are using it to communicate with their employees, their customers and their prospects. What are your business’s plans for using Facebook in 2011?
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