Connecting Your Website With Facebook
Facebook can now be integrated into your web presence with incredible ease. As a result, more businesses are integrating their websites and Facebook with the “Like” button.
The Like Button
With the use of the “Like” button businesses can enable their website visitors to share their findings with their Facebook contacts. The button is very simple to install (click here to learn how). Now websites become a part of Facebook and Facebook becomes a part of websites.
By reducing the cost and time it takes for websites to become a part of the Facebook platform, Facebook has created a win-win proposition for many companies hoping to market on the network. Websites will be able to provide a constant flow of content to the people who “like” what they publish online, while Facebook becomes one of the primary aggregators of social data across the web — not a bad deal.
So more businesses are going to get in.
Facebook Is Reaching For The Top Spot
With 450 million users Facebook dominates social media. And they are not about to rest any time soon. Facebook is significantly impacting search engine rankings, connections between users, and Internet communication in general.
Social optimization is to 2010 as SEO was to 2005. Facebook, along with other important social platforms are now giving you the tools to optimize your social media presence based on the quality of social engagement you create. As Mark Zuckerberg said, the web is defaulting to social. It’s time to act accordingly.
Wow, what a fascinating time we work in!
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